How many times has this happened to you? You go out and meet someone, start having a good time, and 15 minutes into the conversation you realize that they are boring, lame, a real jerk, etc. Maybe that has even happened with your boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse at some time. They seem to switch from pleasant to annoying before you even know what happened. The good behavior evaporates and you're left with something only Satan himself could love.
You know what else? It could be your fault...
Before you write the flaming comment, hear me out lol. Too often when things go sour on a date, or in a relationship, we're quick to blame someone else. It's easy to point out what they "did wrong". But, we seldom look at what we did to influence their behavior (or what we didn't do). And, despite how ineffective we might feel at times, we can have a very big impact on the behavior of our dates and partners.
Sometimes the difference between a good date (or partner) and a bad one is a little technique. All it takes is a "cookie"...